Think About It
Think About It
What happens when feminazism becomes an epidemic? The stupid stereotyped common man takes over!
This video based on #AStreetDogsLife tells the sad story of every stray dog near you; high time we foster strays
Irrfan Khan announces his presence on Facebook through his twitter account
Arnold Schwarzenegger acts out all his huge movies in just 6 minutes in this hilarious video
Deepika Padukone finally speaks on how she felt about #MyChoice video and all the criticism
This Mother’s Day, these Indian single mothers will inspire you. Here’s how you could help them raise their children
[Hilarious Video] This surdy talking about the importance of HR interviews is going to crack you up
This hilarious video shows what happens when you decide to watch a football match with your girlfriend
Angry Nepal tells Indian media to go home for acting insensitive to the Nepal earthquake tragedy
An ode to a life called ‘Engineering’ is going to bring back nostalgia and happy memories from your engineering days
8 worst dating rules people might be telling you to ruin your relationship
9 #AdarshBoyfriend posters you should totally checkout without your girlfriend
[Hilarious] Biswa in his new stand-up act talks about poverty, music and sports
Men talk about shaving their armpits and their new, smooth underarms in this funny video
This tribute to the Lannister House is one thing all Game of Thrones fans should see today
This has to be the most hilarious maid interview, ever!
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