A lot many of us are introverts but we do not realize it. Some people might call you moody, anti-social, unfriendly or sometimes, selfish, but that is not the case. If you are an introvert, you could probably have the following 15 signs.
1. You find talking to people difficult. Making small talks is not your forte.
2. You are alone in a crowd.
3. People think you are too deep or philosophical.
4. You do not get bored of monotonous topics because they stimulate a part of your mind.
5. Your partner is an extrovert. You got attracted to them because they encouraged you to have fun in life.
6. You do not call up your friends a lot.
7. You have a knack for the minutest details.
8. You talk to yourself even when you are in a conversation with someone.
9. You are an old soul.
10. You are more interested in ideas than facts. You could be good with numbers but abstract topics really interest you.
11. You have heard people telling you that you need to come out of your shell.
12. You are a writer and if you are not, you often find yourself intrigued to write your feelings.
13. Being busy gets you stressed. You feel like taking your time off to recharge your batteries.
14. Going to parties scares you.
15. And even if you do go, you end up being alone.
If you are an introvert or know one, let us know what sets you apart from your other friends.