To make up your mind to get married is a big deal. Marriage is the only celebration that comes with tremendous amount of newness and changes in one’s life.
Before you take a leap of faith or jump the gun, or begin pestering your partner to get married to you, it is essential you consider a few important factors.
1. Are you both financially sound to take care of each other or share finances
2. Do you both want kids? How many?
3. How well can you both tolerate each other’s parents?
4. Are you both ready to change a bit because being a married couple requires a few things to change in both of your lives?
5. Your life after marriage can’t just be about you. Do you understand this simple truth?
6. Are you both ready to live together and see each other’s face all your lives?
7. How are you two going to address any disagreements or fights between you two?
8. Do you share same beliefs? If not, are you both willing to give each other all the freedom to practice?
9. Does your partner stand true to your definitions of perfect man/woman to marry?
10. Would you both be working? How will you mange the household chores?
11. Do you love the sex in your relationship? If you are going to have an arranged marriage, how do you plan to talk about it to your would be partner?
So what are your plans about getting married now? Hope you have the right partner and you are living in the best phase of life.