This guy showed a few Indians how they dirtied their country. They all were ashamed!

The Swachh Bharat campaign did fail because of lacking public participation but if we do try keeping our vicinity clean, we could make a little contribution. Young boy, Nisheeth went ahead asking people how important is a cleaner country and what all we could do to keep it clean.


do you want to see a clean India and why


People gave many suggestions and shared views but they all were shocked when … Keep scrolling down to see all the events.


They all wanted a clean India!

Yes definitely



They said it was important!

yes cleanliness is very important


We need to keep our ways clean.

it should be absolutely clean



Then those people were asked another question! Why do we need to keep our country clean? People had better things to say!

It is about making an impression on foreigners.

a clean country will have a good impression on foreigners


It will contribute to better environment for the next generation.

because when our country will be clean it will prosper


We are the ones responsible for our country’s cleanliness.

nopw it is our responsibility to clean our country



Then came the reality! Those people were shown their on video clippings while they were busy dirtying the city. They were ashamed, their words changed!


when we all want a clean india


They promised!

I promise not to



They had reasons. But they knew they were wrong!

actually it was an emergency


They thanked him!

thanks a lot for correcting us


Watch the video here-


lets put our words into actions

Share if you want India to be a clean country!