Microsoft has decided to modify and add newer emojis in Windows 10 and the best of them is “the middle finger”. A relief for all of who have been tired typing “FO” on their computers. This one emoji is enough to give an instant response whenever needed. :)
Microsoft has also introduced different skin tones. So it becomes for any user to become more expressive.
Impressive, right?
“The middle finger emoji was approved as part of Unicode 7 in mid-2014, yet has curiously remained absent from iOS, OS X, Android, and Windows. Until now.” according to Emojipedia.
Here are the other emojis set to come along with the middle finger one.
Face With OK Gesture With Black Skin Tone, Reversed Hand With Middle Finger Extended,
Flushed Face, Information Desk Person With Cream White Skin Tone
As Windows 10 is in the beta phase, currently the release of these emojis is expected in July 2015.