Bapu, an intriguing short film by Terribly Tiny Talkies is a beautiful tale about life and purpose

On the occasion of Independence Day, this short film named Bapu is worth all the time in the world! Terribly Tiny Talkies has shared yet another video which will make you want to watch it over and over again.


Bapu is based on a surprisingly significant moment that occurs in the life of an apprentice postman who finds out that a man has been writing a particular letter to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi over a few years. He finds a quiet place to read what this man wrote to Gandhi. over the years When he did, he decided to meet this man who was in a big dilemma about life and its purpose.

reading the letter

Upon finding out the man who wrote the letters to Gandhi is badly sick and is counting his days, the postman decides to write him a letter as Bapu to provide him happiness, and relieve in his last days.

reading the letter to the sender

You have to watch this video to find out the beautiful reason why has been writing those letters to Gandhi and what the postman wrote to him as Bapu. *Grab tissues* This beautiful video will move you to tears.

Watch other videos by Terribly Tiny Tales here.