11 Reasons why you will say: Grandma, You are not great, YOU ARE AWESOME!

We all are aware of the person who is bit like a mommy. Mother knows a lot, but she knows everything. At critical situations of life, advices and suggestions never go empty from her heart-bucket. The person who binds generations and teaches us sustaining relations in society is no other but our ‘Grandmother’.

Since she is so important and an angel figure in our lives, let’s read why is she so adorable? What makes you miss her so much when she is not around you? Let’s see:

1. How often it happens that your parents thrash you? We know they do, sometimes though.This is exactly when your grandmother comes to rescue you. If nobody else, you know she’ll be there to have your back.

Grand mother


2. You might be a skinny or may be an overweight person. Whatever be the case, there’s going to be a massive increase in your weight when you’re at your gran’s place.

Grand mother love


3. Remember who first told you that knowledge and not the grades are important? That’s right. It’s your grandmother. She’ll be the one to teach you that grades are not always important and boy she is right!



4. Though you must be too embarrassed to accept that you were scared to sleep alone at nights in your childhood, the fact still remains. It was none other than your granny who was your sole companion during those nightmarish scary nights!

Grand mother


5. The world is full of interesting mythologies but weren’t we too cool to read them all? This is when our gran introduced us to the great world of all the interesting reads in their own unique way! We just can’t thank them enough for this.

Grand mother


6. Often it happened that you sleep late, it’s just because you were glued to listen Grandma’s life experiences.

Grand mother


7. Having problem cooking something? Or worried about increasing body aches? Instantly, I am sure your grandma would have those ‘home-made tips’ ready in her mind.

Grand mother


8. As soon as it is summer, your granny is all ready to win the pickle marathon that leads to the never ending pickles from your kitchen.

Grand mother


9.  2000 is enough for a good watch says dad. But daughter wants the best of her choice, and you find a note saying: A token of love.

Grand mother


10.  She is always there for you, no matter how.

Grand mother


11. When it is to choose between you and your dad, it is always you. True saying: Interest is more loved than the Principle  amount, so you are always loved by her unconditionally.

shahrukh khan


Everybody says they love their grandma, what could be greater than giving out little time to acknowledge her and do something special for her? Since now the old memories have awakened and it’s all fresh again, hopefully there are already some plans in your mind. Spend a day or two just with your granny and see; you would surely catch a precious smile on her glowing face.

Written by Bhakti Patel