A feminazi in making: Twinkle Khanna throws nasty comments on Chetan Bhagat’s looks

Like many of us are already aware, Twinkle Khanna aka Mrs. Funnybones (that’s how she calls herself, or if I can take the leverage, I would call that self proclaimed, but since we’re not talking about my opinions here, I’ll stop right there.) writes columns for leading dailies and makes candles after her super successful Bollywood career. Here’s her author description:

twinkle khanna description

In case you’re super bored, you might want to skip the entire description, you could just do away with the last line. So in a way, we may say that she wants to be like Chetan Bhagat, or if I could say, she looks up to him!

But the lady doesn’t seem to understand how to reply to compliment –


Why on earth drag him into this repeatedly, unless you desperately seek his attention? Look at the series of tweets exchanged between the two –



Ouch! Why over and over again do Bollywood celebs have to shout out to the world that they are hypocrites? She can keep writing all the articles of the world supporting feminism and being a liberal, and then she does this. *facepalm*. Imagine, if similar things were said to her, how would the feminazis react!



Haah! That was a major burn right there! But then being a gentleman, Chetan Bhagat said that all’s cool between the two.


Long live feminazism.