This tattoo artist with half burnt face helps burn victims get rid of their scars. Her work is Magic!

It is a tough time for anyone who has been burnt in a tragic accident to live with the scars. While one forgets the episode of being burnt and lives with their new selves, the scars still remind of what happened. Basma Hameed, a para-medical tattoo specialist has made it possible for the all the burnt victims to get rid of their scars through her tattoos. Her work is magic!

Pigment Tattooist, Basma Hameed


Her tattoos are not the bright colourful ones, but she uses special pigments to match a victim’s skin to conceal the scars.

basma hameed


Badly burnt in her childhood, with her face half burnt, Basma Hameed decided to help all those who are burnt and have scars which refuse to fade away or have skin discolouration. Some people have a gorgeous soul, Basma Hameed is one of them!

 You won’t believe but her first patient was herself!

basma hameed before and after images of being tattooed


Watch this video to learn more about her, how she works with her patients and share this video to inspire all the women in your life!
