Are you single? Here are 11 realities of being single that you should accept

First things first! You have to accept one reality.

Being single isn’t that bad! Accept it, and your life will be easier than ever. You are sitting with your friends at a nice cafe where you spot a cute couple walking hand in hand, what would you do? Feel miserable about that fact that the person sitting right in front of you is not your lover, or feel grateful for having a good friend who makes you feel utterly free to do anything you like? There are many things that you need to accept more than just the fact that you are single!

1. You can be alone sometimes but not lonely. 

1. You can be alone sometimes but not lonely.



2. When you feel low and like to call someone, you will end up calling your mum or your best friend. 

2. When you feel low and like to call someone, you will end up calling your mum or your best friend.


3. When you meet you friends with their partners, you do NOT have to feel awkward about being single. You are the king of the jungle, you can look at and flirt with many people, right? ;)




4. Your friends are the best people, you should be sorry for ignoring them when you were in a relationship. So learn to value them. 

4. Your friends are the best people, you should be sorry for ignoring them when you were in a relationship.



5. You will think there is something wrong with you but you are a normal person with normal needs. You will find your Mister right when you are not looking.

5. You will think there is something wrong with you but you are a normal girl with normal needs. You will find your Mister Right when you are not looking.



6. You will start to feel shitty about your career because you are not happy with your life. 

6. You will start to feel shitty about your career because you are not happy with your life. The fact again is none of that is true!


The fact again is none of that is true!


7. You will feel like leaving for somewhere new. There’s nothing wrong in doing anything that gives you happiness so just do it!

7. You will feel like leaving for somewhere new. There's nothing wrong in doing anything that gives you happiness so just do it!



8. If you meet someone special and find out they are not interested in you ‘that way’, you are likely to not feel good about yourself.

8. If you meet someone special and find out they are not interested in you 'that way', you are likely to not feel good about yourself.


This will happen but the truth is everyone feels like that and it is normal but none of that makes you ugly.


9. You know what is emotional eating and you know it is not healthy. So, to feel good you must hit the gym, see new boys, feel great about yourself and work on a butt everyone would die to hold.

9. You know what is emotional eating and you know it is not healthy. So, to feel good you must hit the gym, see new boys, feel great about yourself and work on a butt everyone would die to see.



10. Your friends will always try to make you meet their single friends. 

10. Your friends will always try to settle you up with their single friends.



11. You will have to survive months without sex. 

no sex



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