Kids speak about money and issues that come with it in this interesting video

Child is the father of the man!

BeingIndian collaborated with film maker N.Padmakumar (Paddy) to bring 5 amazing video of their new series, “Kids Speak Out”.  The fourth video tells us about what kids think about money. And people, their answers are more logical than any other’s. (Here are the other three videos- Kids on having kids, On being PM, Kids speak out on religion)

Money is something that helps us buy everything


These kids are genius! Watch them answer some of the biggest questions which wander around in our minds.

money is a tool

What is money? How much money you need for happiness? Is it fair that some people are so rich and some are so poor? How can we make this happen?

They murder people for money.


Watch this video to get not just inspired but motivated to do what is right. If you can’t make things right, let these kids run this country.