Interesting video tells what insults people use around the world; the trouble came when they arrived in India

Quite popular for creating unique and creative videos, popular YouTube channel, Cut Video decided to send their producer Blaine to travel around the world to know what words do locals use as insults around the world.


Insults Around The World- berlinOK! We know this!

Insults Around The World- cant hold liquor

Soft Egg!

Insults Around The World- soft egg



Insults Around The World- bangkok

This is crazy!

Insults Around The World- bangkok mom is deadLOL! :P



Insults Around The World- adelaideThat’s nothing interesting!



Insults Around The World- dubai

That’s it!?

Insults Around The World- dubai shameHmm… all right!



Insults Around The World- shanghai

Hate green tea betches!

Let’s jump to India!

Insults Around The World- india

The man was talking happily when came the Indian trouble.

Insults Around The World- indian troubleWasn’t this supposed to happen?

Watch the interesting video that tells not just about the insults around the world but about their diverse culture and habits too.

You can watch other creative Cut Videos here.