India’s God Talent: What happens when Indian god people enter a reality show?

You have certainly watched one of the most entertaining reality shows ever, India’s Got Talent, and now it is your chance to watch an even more interesting show than it. India’s God Talent- Ab Dhongi Denge Jawaab brought to you by Bollywood Gandu has made its debut with the three evergreen judges whom you have been seeing as judges  for donkey’s years.

the judges

The show brings the most entertaining participants ever and they are:

Number 1 Radhe Maa

radhemaaradhemaa- singing 2 radhemaa- singing

Number 2  Baba Ramdev performing to the tune of Barbie Girl!

ram dev ram dev- dance

How can Karan Johar not comment on that performance!


Number 3 MSG


Number 4 Asaram, all the way from the jail. 


Watch this hilarious video to find out what talent Indian “God-people” possess and who wins the India’s God Talent’s title.

You can watch other  Bollywood Gandu videos here.