The villains of Batman sing “Dark Night Changes”, a parody of One Direction’s Night Changes

Have you watched all the Batman movies? If you have then, you will understand the joke in his superb parody. After Harry Porter parody of Uptown Funk sung by Lord Voldemort, KFaceTV is back with Dark Knight Changes – One Direction “Night Changes” Batman Parody.

batman and joker


Get ready to see all the Batman characters since the beginning till 2015 dancing to the funny parody made to the music of One Direction’s Night changes.

old batman

Get ready to see Two Face,

two face


the Joker, You will love the guy who played the Joker. He is so damn good.



Bane, and Batman (Adam West)






Penguin,  Batman (Bale), Batman (90’s), Robin, and Catwoman. The moment when Bane says he going solo and leaves the gang takes the cake. :’)

the characters


Watch this hilarious One Direction “Night Changes” Batman Parody and laugh all day long.