15 instances where Calvin and Hobbes taught us to extract the best out of anything in life!

From 1985 to 1995, which makes a decade, Bill Watterson has succeeded in crafting one of the best magics ever made in the genre of Comedy Comics – Calvin and Hobbes. The decade was just a tenure of the making, creating and publishing, but the effects are still on.

This great pair of a six year old boy: Calvin and his alive-in-his-imagination stuffed tiger, Hobbes have never let us down. Through their activities in their Geekdom, they  have always been able to keep the mischief, craziness and at the same time, the mockery within us alive!

This is how Calvin and Hobbes handle their little troubles in life in the most sardonic, yet positive ways ever!  

Disclaimer : You do need to have a particular kind of mental presence to appreciate the satires hidden!

1. When Susie knows it all and he doesn’t…


2. When there is no fish, ever…


3. When learning nearly killed him…


4. When it comes to getting nasty names…


5. When being cool was not enough…


6. When it comes to choosing the best topic…


7. When having a common sense is not common…


8. When it comes to holding the sneeze…


9. When his mom was ill (oh, yes even then ;) )


10. When he got the right part to play…


11. When falling was just another form of ART…


12. When the homework just got trickier…


13. When it’s about praising yourself…


14. When it is about being straight… to-the-point… forward!


15. When it is about missing the homework…


There are even more such attributes of Calvinism which will get you closer to the humorous side of yours as well. As Calvin & Hobbes say ,

There is never enough time to do all the nothing you want!

So whenever you do nothing, read them, because this will just change your nothing into something to get anything out of your sweet nothings. It just had an impact on me, though! ;)

Have  a Calvinful Day :)

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